Strategic responses to the emotional wellbeing and mental health needs of children and young people
On the 20th October 2021, NCB collaborated with the six HeadStart partnerships, funded by The National Lottery Community Fund, for an event focused on strategic responses to emotional wellbeing and mental health needs of children and young people.
This event was an opportunity to hear examples of approaches from HeadStart partnerships in involving schools, local authorities, health services and voluntary/community organisations to help build resilience and support mental health of children and young people. It was particularly relevant for stakeholders and agencies who are devising or implementing local responses, particularly in the context of minimising the education, social, physical and emotional impact of the ongoing pandemic.
Topics included:
- National policy updates ‘setting the scene’ on strategic implementation in supporting children and young people’s emotional wellbeing and mental health
- Key learning, insight and outcomes from HeadStart partnerships on the development and implementation of initiatives, testing out new approaches and transforming local systems to support children, young people and parents in their schools and communities.
- NCB introduction from Amanda Allard (Assistant Director), National Children’s Bureau
- Update from the Scott Hignett (Head of Funding), The National Lottery Community Fund
- National policy updates from:
- Daniela Durso (Pupil Mental Wellbeing Team Leader), Department for Education
- David Lockwood (Deputy Head, Perinatal and Children and Young People’s Mental Health), NHS England
The full plenary can viewed here.
The six workshops were conducted by:
- HeadStart Newham
- HeadStart Kent
- HeadStart Kernow
- HeadStart Hull
- HeadStart Wolverhampton
- HeadStart Blackpool
Workshop recordings can be viewed by clicking the HeadStart partnerships above and all slides are saved as attachments at the bottom of the page.
If you require further information please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]
The HeadStart programme has been funded by The National Lottery Community Fund from 2016-21 to test and explore ways to help build young people’s resilience and prevent serious mental health issues from occurring. The six HeadStart areas (Blackpool, Cornwall, Hull, Kent, Newham and Wolverhampton) have developed local programmes co-produced with young people and parents and built local relationships and systems with schools, local authorities, health services, voluntary and community organisations and local services to form effective partnerships.