Who we are
We are the hub for those working with bereaved children, young people and their families across the UK. We underpin our members’ work with essential support and representation: bringing them together across localities, disciplines and sectors to improve bereavement care for children.
Our vision
Collectively, we share a vision that all children and young people in the UK, together with their caregivers, can easily access a choice of high quality local and national information, guidance and support to enable them to manage the impact of death on their lives.
Members' roles
All CBN members have a role to play in making this vision a reality. By joining CBN, members collaborate to
- improve the range and quality of bereavement support available to children, young people and those caring for them; and
- increase access to childhood bereavement information, guidance and support services.
What we do
Centrally, CBN acts as the keystone for our members’ partnership by
- Advocating for bereaved children, young people and those supporting them, influencing policy and public understanding
- Supporting professionals to find and share the knowledge and resources they need to deliver high quality, accessible bereavement care
- Signposting families, professionals and the public to sources of bereavement support
- Generating new ideas and approaches to improving bereavement care for children
Our principles
- Be a listening and learning organisation
- Inform our work by the experience of children, young people, their families and those supporting them and the evidence from research
- Add value to our members’ efforts
- Work collaboratively both nationally and internationally.