Children and young people are at the heart of everything we do so we made sure they played an important role in designing our 60th anniversary branding.
We ran a series of workshops with groups of young people in March 2023 to understand what NCB meant to them and what areas we should focus on during our 60th anniversary celebrations.
They highlighted a number of areas that they felt NCB should celebrate, including:
- listening to the voices of children and young people
- NCB's co-production work with Young NCB, FLARE and other participation groups
- the annual Youth Voice Matters conference
- creating access to government ministers
We have built these messages and themes into the development and production of our 60th anniversary communication assets that we will launch during the course of 2023.
We also challenged our young people groups to use our new 60th brand identity as a springboard to being creative.
Here's what they came up with...