Our latest news.
Manifesto for a Better Childhood
The National Children’s Bureau Manifesto for a Better Childhood, developed with children and young people, sets out a positive vision for improving young lives. It calls for a new children’s strategy, at the heart of which is a commitment to promote and protect children’s wellbeing and mental health, and create an inclusive education system.
Review of the Partnership for Wellbeing and Mental Health in Schools and the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition
In 2019, NCB commissioned an independent review into the vision, aims and work of both membership groups and their approach to collaboration and joint working.
The key recommendation from the report was that the most effective way forward for the Partnership and the Coalition was to create a more formalised joint working agreement between the two groups, to be underpinned by more robust and explicitly agreed working processes. This will enable both organisations to maintain their unique identity and work effectively together to achieve change whilst also minimising any future overlap or duplication.
As a result of the review, the Partnership and Coalition have set out a Memorandum of Understanding for joint working. The Partnership has also updated its Terms of Reference and provided greater clarity on its members and processes.
You can read the Partnership’s full response to the Review here.
You can read a summary of the Review here and read the Partnership and Coalition’s full response to the Review here.
Ofsted Inspection Framework response
In March 2019, members of the Partnership for Wellbeing and Mental Health in Schools and the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition met with representatives from the Department for Education, NHS England and Ofsted to review and comment on the new Ofsted Inspection Framework.
The Partnership and Coalition then published a joint consultation response to the new Ofsted Education Inspection Framework, which called for a number of important changes, and can be found here.