The programme seeks to ensure that in every local authority area, children and young people with SEND and their parents have access to impartial and free information, advice and support covering SEND issues.
The Information Advice and Support Programme is a national government initiative which commenced in June 2018 and will run until March 2021.
From its inception, the programme has successfully worked to ensure that in every local authority area, children and young people with SEND and their parents have access to high quality, impartial and free information, advice and support covering SEND issues through local statutory SEND Information, Advice and Support Services and the offer of a national helpline and online advice which is provided by Contact.
The programme has worked closely with information, advice and support services across England to enable these services to instigate meaningful change at both the strategic and operational level in order to ensure that children and young people with SEND and their families have access to the best possible service offer.
Access case studies of good statutory service practice.
The programme is led by the Council for Disabled Children and funded by the Department for Education. The programme is being delivered through a partnership arrangement between the Information, Advice & Support Services Network and Contact and IPSEA as legal training provider.