Children and young people are at the heart of what we do. We believe that as a society we can and must do better for them every single day.
Our vision…
for every child to thrive
Our mission…
to build a better childhood
for every child

Forever young
Children and young people are at the heart of what we do. We reflect this energy and optimism in our approach to work.

Better together
We collaborate from the inside and outside, living up to the trust our partners place in us to do what's right for children and young people.

Always learning
Like an inquisitive child, we always ask ‘Why?’, the rigour of our evidence drives our work and helps us challenge ourselves and others not to make assumptions and to search for future progress.

Taking care
We invest a significant part of ourselves in our work. We respect and value that investment by looking after ourselves and each other.

Being brave
We don’t shy away from the biggest challenges because that’s where children need us most. We speak the truth with the authority of evidence and experience.