This resource has been produced to help practitioners write good quality EHC plans that meet both the letter and the spirit of the Children and Families Act 2014.
The first part of this document includes excerpts from real EHC plans that were collected through the local Independent Support network. In the second part there are two EHC plans which draw on real examples but the plans themselves relate to fictional children.
We expect these examples to be useful to those contributing to EHC needs assessments and to those writing plans as well as to parents, children and young people and those supporting them. We intend this document to provoke a debate about the key features of high quality EHC plans. We invite other organisations to identify good EHC plans that exemplify the best for children with a range of different needs and for whom a wide range of outcomes are sought. In turn, we hope that this will build a body of evidence about what works.
This document provides examples for discussion and is not advocating any particular approach to meeting needs. We were not party to the information and advice provided in support of the plans and are therefore making no judgement as to whether the particular provision is or is not appropriate for any particular child or young person.