A consortium of charities – the National Literacy Trust, National Children’s Bureau (NCB), Peeple and the Foundation Years Trust – has been funded by the Department for Education to deliver a range of projects that support the home learning environment. All the charities have championed the home learning environment (HLE) for many years and the projects and this guidance, draw on that knowledge and experience.
This publication shares the approaches taken in areas of relative disadvantage in Bradford, Leicester, Hastings and Rother, the Wirral Peninsula, Oxfordshire, Bognor Regis and Knowsley. Differentchapters have been written by each charity. They describe well-established, evidence-based and effective ways of working, in which parents, teachers and practitioners are recognised as mutually supportive partners in children’s learning and development.
Support for the home learning environment in the early years is critical and needs to become embedded as part of all early childhood education and care, early health and family-support services. The report has been written to encourage leaders and frontline staff across the early years,
education and public health to do more to engage parents and help develop the home learning environment.