A Better Start is a ten-year (2015-2025), £215 million programme set up by The National Lottery Community Fund, the largest funder of community activity in the UK.
A Better Start focuses on improving the life chances of babies and very young children by changing the way services are commissioned and delivered and involving parents as equal partners.
LEAP is one of five local partnerships that make up A Better Start. NCB is the accountable body for the LEAP programme and has hosted it within the NCB family since 2015.
NCB has supported the five A Better Start partnerships to embed a culture of shared learning and the programme has produced insights and innovation that the whole early years sector can benefit from.
A Better Start was set up to improve the life chances of babies and very young children by changing the way services are commissioned and delivered, involving parents as equal partners.
The ‘Big Little Moments’ campaign - developed by The National Lottery Community Fund with each of the five partnerships - set out to promote parenting behaviours to support good early child development in children up to four years old.