Mental health & wellbeing
Mental health & wellbeing
— 16 Feb 2022
How Are You Feeling? HeadStart Hull provides a range of universal and targeted mental wellbeing services for young people, parents and carers by adopting an assets-based approach, which describes the skills and support young people need to develop resilience and cope with difficulty and adversity.
Mental health & wellbeing
— 16 Feb 2022
Alongside an extended universal offer, HeadStart Blackpool have provided four programmes to support the mental health and wellbeing of vulnerable young people affected by transitioning from primary to secondary school; self-harm; school exclusion; and children under the care of Blackpool Council, described as ‘Blackpool’s Children’. (This article contains information about self-injury that may upset some readers.)
Mental health & wellbeing
— 9 Feb 2022
HeadStart Kernow’s Start Now website was co-produced by young people and HeadStart, and designed as the go-to source for children and young people seeking mental health and wellbeing support or wanting to become involved with HeadStart Kernow through co-production and participation.
Mental health & wellbeing
— 9 Feb 2022
HeadStart Hull’s aim to make young people’s mental health ‘everybody’s business’ relies on strong partnership working. Read more about their work here.
Mental health & wellbeing
— 10 Jan 2022
HeadStart Kent ensures that children and young people’s thoughts, wishes and feelings are at the heart of the services they offer, by involving them in decision making, working with them to design and co-deliver services, and partnering with Kent County Council and the Kent Clinical Commissioning Group (KCCG) to provide co-production opportunities up until the age of 23.
Mental health & wellbeing
— 10 Jan 2022
Since 2016, HeadStart Kent have provided an extended training offer for all professionals working with children and young people across the county. Training is co-created, delivered in partnership and evaluated by cross-sector experts, including the NHS, Kent County Council and voluntary and community organisations.
Mental health & wellbeing
— 10 Jan 2022
HeadStart Kent’s mission is for young people and families to improve their resilience through the development of knowledge and lifelong skills, to maximise their own and their peers’ emotional health and wellbeing.
Mental health & wellbeing
— 10 Jan 2022
HeadStart Kent have developed a unique approach to supporting and training schools to develop whole school approaches to mental health wellbeing, based upon their own Resilience Toolkit. Click to read more.
Mental health & wellbeing
— 7 Jan 2022
HeadStart Newham - Youth Voice - read about how HeadStart Newham incorporates the voice of young people throughout its programmes, providing the platforms and resources required to elevate their voices and empower them to make the changes they want to see in their local communities.
Mental health & wellbeing
— 7 Jan 2022
Read about how HeadStart Newham provides a detailed school-based training offer designed to improve children and young people’s academic resilience.