Shared Spaces Project

The Shared Spaces Project is looking at what helps and what does not help young people use and share everyday spaces with others who identify as being from a different group.  It is taking place in Bradford and Belfast.

The project is being carried out by the University of Bristol in partnership with the National Children’s Bureau (NCB), Belfast City Council, Bradford City Council and the Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education.  

Young Person's Advisory Group

NCB is organising a Young Person’s Advisory Group (YPAG) to help the researchers from the University of Bristol with this work. We need young people from Belfast and Bradford to come together and share their knowledge of their city with the researchers. What makes it a good place to live with others who are ‘different’ and what could make it even better?

Young people will also help the researchers by

  • giving advice and feedback on questions they might like to ask other young people
  • helping to present the research findings in interesting ways to young people
  • helping shape recommendations to each of the City Councils to build better cities for all

The YPAG will meet once per year for 2-3 hours over the next three years (in 2021 the meetings will be held remotely via Zoom) but in between these meetings we will keep in touch with you and you may also get involved in other work NCB does.

All travel expenses and food will be provided when we meet in person (in either Bradford or Belfast).

Why should I get involved?

Getting involved in this project means that you will

  1. get a voucher for £20 every time the group meets the researchers
  2. get to see a new city
  3. make new friends and have fun
  4. learn more about doing research and develop new skills, e.g. communication skills and teamworking, which you can put on job application forms or your CV later on
  5. get a certificate to show you have participated in this group to add to your Record of Achievement


Complete the Expression of Interest form at the link below.  We will get back to you ASAP once we receive your form.

If you have any questions about this project please contact Teresa Geraghty at NCB by emailing [email protected]

You can read more about this project here