EOPS-B Project
Screening to take part in testing parent questionnaire
The National Children’s Bureau, in collaboration with NatCen, is carrying out a study to test questions for a survey on behalf of the Department for Education. This is a new survey of parents, children and young people to collect data on pupil’s experiences and educational performance at school, with a focus on the challenges children may face and how these affect their education.
For this stage of the study, we want to conduct interviews with parents of children in Year 1 at primary school. We want to make sure that our documents are clear and easy to understand before they are sent out to thousands of people.
If you would like to take part, please read the information below and complete the screening questionnaire by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page.
What are we asking you to do, and what do you get in return?
Taking part would involve asking you to complete some questions from the new survey and all information you provide would be treated in strictest confidence. We are interested in how you find answering the questions as well as the answers you give.
This study therefore aims to make sure the questions are easy to understand and answer. You don’t need to have any prior knowledge to take part. This project is being carried out purely for research purposes. The outcomes will not be used for marketing, and your details will not be shared with other organisations.
Taking part will involve a Zoom call with an interviewer and completing a survey online during this call. Instructions for using Zoom would be provided in advance. Interviews will last around one hour. Everyone who takes part in this discussion will receive a £30 Love2Shop e-voucher as a thank you for participating.
How will we protect your data
Video interviews will be recorded using Zoom. We will treat all information that you give in strict confidence, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR). Any personal details will be kept confidential, held securely by NatCen Social Research, and will not be used for any purposes beyond this research project. Information you provide will not be used and will be securely deleted at the end of the process. Participation is entirely voluntary, which means we rely on the good will of people to take part. Most people who take part enjoy it.
Checking your eligibility
In order to understand who might be eligible to take part in this pilot, we would be obliged if you would complete the following screening questionnaire by clicking on the link below. We will let you know whether or not you have been chosen in November.