Taking Boys Seriously

This LINKS workshop on Taking Boys Seriously - Creating a Culture of Relational Education was delivered by Susan Morgan from Ulster University on 4 October 2022.

Ulster University is conducting a regional participatory action research project called Taking Boys Seriously (TBS) exploring the concept of relational education as an optimal approach to supporting boys and young men in their education and learning. Through TBS they are building a community of practice involving educators across the formal and informal education sectors committed to tackling the persistent issue of a male gender attainment gap. The research is guided by appreciative inquiry with an emphasis on identifying assets rather than deficits.

The aims of the workshop:

  • Introduce the Taking Boys Seriously Research addressing - Attitudes; Aspirations and Attainment for boys.
  • Use the Taking Boys Seriously Principles; Boys as Relational Learners to reflect on pedagogy and practice
  • Use collaborate inquiry to discuss a Culture of Relational Education
  • Develop an eco-system that enables boys to thrive

Susan Morgan is a principal researcher and manager of the Taking Boys Seriously research and a lecturer in the School of Applied Social and Policy Sciences at Ulster University since 2004. She has taken a leading role in the development and delivery of Professional training in Community Youth work and an active role in the support and development of the vibrant Community Youth work sector in Northern Ireland through mentoring and facilitation, development of knowledge exchange opportunities and engagement with the sector in support of widening access and participation for those underrepresented in higher education.