Helping organisations with OBA

How we're supporting organisations to implement OBA.

Find out how we're supporting organisations to implement OBA below.

The Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister (OFMDFM)

In February 2012, we were commissioned by the OFMDFM to assist them in establishing an approach for bringing together Government departments and other stakeholders so that each department has an opportunity to understand its role in terms of reducing child poverty.

We helped them develop an agreed Outcomes Framework comprising a set of outcomes and indicators illustrating how deprived areas perform across a range of areas relative to Northern Ireland as a whole. We also produced a series of turning-the-curve reports for a range of outcomes (e.g. health, education).

Colin Early Intervention Community (CEIC)

We have been working with CEIC since 2012 to help them implement an early intervention approach in the Colin area.

We have provided a range of strategic and support services to CEIC over the last three years including:

  • Establishing a performance management framework to assess the impact of the intervention on area-wide outcomes (such as health, education) and the impact of the programmes/services

  • Hosting a number of workshops to 'turn-the-curve' on rates of breastfeeding and reduces rates of smoking during pregnancy

  • Delivering community engagement workshops to raise awareness of CEIC and its activities.

Find out more about our work with CEIC to improve health outcomes.

South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (SEHSCT)

NCB’s task was to help the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust drive forward the planning and delivery of health and social care using the Outcomes Based Accountability (OBA) model. The case study charts the impact that the process has had on the Trust and its staff; outlines some of the early successes; provides key learnings about using OBA for the benefit of others; and explains how the Trust plans to embed the process long term.

Download the case study

Belfast City Council (BCC)

We are currently working with Belfast City Council to help them implement OBA within a number of localities in Belfast including Whiterock and Ballymacarret.

We are also carrying out OBA training, workshops to enable participants to identify key issues facing their area and potential actions that could be taken forward to improve them, and action plans and performance reviews.

Contact us

To find out more about any of the case studies above, please contact Frances Lyons, Assistant Director: [email protected].