Improving outcomes through early intervention.
We provide technical support to the Early Intervention Transformation Programme (EITP), which is part of the Delivering Social Change/the Atlantic Philanthropies Signature Programme.
The aim of the EITP is to improve outcomes for children and young people across Northern Ireland through embedding early intervention approaches.
Collectively funded over a four-year period by the Departments for/of Education, Health, Employment and Learning, Communites and Justice, Northern Ireland Executive Office and the Atlantic Philanthropies, the EITP transforms mainstream services for children and families to deliver long-term improvement.
We are supporting the EITP to:
Transform mainstream 0–4 services to better equip parents to give their children the best start in life.
Help families with emerging needs access help quickly before problems become embedded.
Positively address the impact of adversity on children by intervening both earlier & more effectively to reduce the risk of poor outcomes later in life.
Contact us
For more information on this project, please contact Frances Lyons, Assistant Director: [email protected].