Bereavement & Pre-Bereavement Work with Young People

Alison Penny from the Childhood Bereavement Network and Rachel Smith from Cancer Focus delivered a workshop on Bereavement & Pre-Bereavement Work with Young People for Lottery funded EYP grant holders, on behalf of NCB, on 29 September 2020. 

This workshop  -

  • discussed talking about bereavement, pre and post, with young people

  • explored the best language to use

  • shared young people’s thoughts and wishes around the way they would like to be treated when facing bereavement and loss

The aims of this workshop were:

  • that participants would have new skills and feel more confident in their capacity to speak about death and to communicate with children and young people when they are facing a bereavement

  • that participants would know where to go for support in this area.

Alison Penny from the Childhood Bereavement Network provided an input on the work of the network and it might be used. CBN is a hub for professionals working with bereaved children, young people and families in the UK.

Rachel Smith from Cancer Focus provided an input on bereavement and pre-bereavement work with young people and there was opportunity for participants to have discussions and ask questions.

Access the resources from the workshop below:

NCB Presentation

Childhood Bereavement Network Presentation

Cancer Focus Presentation

Resource list