Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at NCB
The NCB Board of Trustees follows a set of agreed principles to underpin a whole-organisation commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion at NCB. The Board of Trustees are committed to ensuring the diversity and inclusivity of the Board and staff group in order to improve NCB’s governance, performance and outcomes for the people with whom we are working.
We have been informed by work done in the wider sector, particularly by the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations (ACEVO) and their evidence which makes the case for creating a diverse and inclusive organisation:
- Diverse organisations prevent groupthink
- Diverse organisations generate more income
- Diverse organisations are more innovative
- Diverse organisations attract more talent.
In addition there is a moral case for taking action to improve our diversity and inclusion.
Board of Trustees Statement of Intent
NCB’s Board want diversity, equity and inclusion to be firmly embedded in our organisational culture and champion going beyond simply aiming to meet minimum statutory requirements. This starts with us, the Trustees. A diverse Board supports our leadership, effectiveness and decision making to ensure NCB continues to deliver its mission to build a better childhood for every child. As such, we embrace the following principles that reflect NCB’s core values.
Our Principles
- We acknowledge that there is a problem with diversity in the charity sector and commit to playing our part to change that.
- We recognise the pivotal role we have in creating change by modelling positive behaviour and taking action.
- We will learn about social and cultural biases and their impact on leadership decisions.
- We commit to setting standards for diversity that reflect NCB’s stakeholders and the areas in which we work.
- We commit to action and to invest resources, where necessary, in order to improve diversity at NCB.
- We will recruit for potential, not perfection.
- We place value on lived experience; the ability of our people to draw on their experience to bring insights as to how we can continue to develop.
- We respect all our people as the sum of many parts; a diverse group of talented people collectively working towards our shared vision.
Our Values
Our values act as the core beliefs and universal truths that affect how we behave, how we work together as a team, how we structure our internal processes and how we deliver our mission.
Forever Young
Children and young people are at the heart of what we do. We reflect this energy and optimism in our approach to work.
Better Together
We collaborate from the inside and outside, living up to the trust our partners place in us to do what’s right for children and young people.
Always Learning
Like an inquisitive child, we always ask ‘Why?’, the rigour of our evidence drives our work and helps us challenge ourselves and others not to make assumptions and to search for future progress.
Taking Care
We invest a significant part of ourselves in our work. We respect and value that investment by looking after ourselves and each other.
Being Brave
We don’t shy away from the biggest challenges because that’s where children need us most. We speak the truth with the authority of evidence and experience.
NCB Board of Trustees
November 2022*
* (values updated February 2024)