Laura has been the Director of the LEAP programme since 2015. She was part of an innovative partnership that successfully bid to the Big Lottery to deliver a 10 year A Better Start programme to children and families in Lambeth.
A Better Start aims to improve the life chances of babies and very young children living in Lambeth. It also aims to improve local early years services, starting with a focus on pregnancy, prevention, and early intervention.
Prior to joining LEAP, Laura led a range of children’s service areas in Lambeth, including Sure Start local programmes, the development of 30 Children’s Centres, Family Support and Early Help teams. She had responsibility for the coordination of evidence-based parenting programmes, Family Learning, and Parent Partnership Services for parents and children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
Laura has worked in Lambeth for the majority of her 40 year career and is a qualified social worker. She is extremely proud to be leading LEAP. The 10 year programme is making a valuable contribution in the local system by demonstrating evidence based approaches and a focus on improving outcomes for the very youngest children and their families. The involvement and participation of parents in the development and delivery of the LEAP is particular focus of the programme and ensures that families in the area have an opportunity to participate and can make a difference in local children’s lives.
"The LEAP programme is a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate that building strong systems of support and guidance around pregnant women and babies , mothers , fathers and young children will reap multiple rewards most importantly healthy, happy children, who will go on to live fulfilled lives."